Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Unless I missed a Thing, this is the end. Well, almost the end: I still have to try out StumbleUpon.

In terms of reflection, this wasn't the most helpful project in that I did not learn that many new things, but I had to sign up for a bunch of sites that I had already decided were not interesting to me. That's why I am just finishing up now: the last few weeks were mostly about getting accounts and sharing things.

This isn't really the fault of the project though: I finished my MLIS in the last year and have always been pretty forward looking when it comes to technology--I think I might be too old to be a "millennial", but my father has always had a computer around the house (although he was a journalist with CBC, he learned to program via punch cards at UNB in the electrical engineering department before computer science was a thing), so I fit the term "born digital" if not the other aspects of the term.

But there were some good moments and fun times. In particular, I appreciate the chance to write non-academically. It has been a long time since I have just knocked a bunch of words into a computer for "fun" (yes, it was mandatory: I mean that in the sense that no one is really judging me for content here).

Mostly, I have been writing papers, professionally, or just the short nonsense of social media posts. At least here there are paragraphs and more developed thoughts.

So that was probably the best thing about this: just writing.

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