Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fragmented social media

So what am I to do with all these social media sites now that I am writing on a blog again? What roles should each fill? Should I keep updating everything?

Currently I have: Fb, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, blogger, Wordpress, and Tumblr.

Just a few weeks ago I restarted Twitter with the intention of using for more professional purposes. And I just started using Google+ more to keep up with some friends that are not on facebook. So what are all of these things going to be for?

  • Fb: almost everyone is Facebook and that is now the problem with it. It is good for keeping up with things, but maybe I don't want my in-laws to be bombarded with library and political annoyances. And I feel bad swearing because my mum is there.
  • Google+: I have been using this to keep up with non-facebooking friends. A bit of a wasteland. My blogger posts are cross posted automatically.
  • LinkedIn: online CV that I am not sure about. I don't think that it helped with my recent job search. I keep it updated because it can't hurt and it is a good place to "friend" school and conference acquaintances where neither of us really wants to see photos of each other's pets or pastas.
  • Instagram: Almost forgot about this. I don't know. There are a million places to put and share photos these days. I was trying to use it as a place to post things so that I didn't spam Fb with photos, but I have not been taking that many photos recently.
  • Twitter: professional development and comedians basically. I like to follow the hashtag of conferences that I can't go to and then check out any blogs or articles of people that seem interesting.
  • Blogger: I was here with a lame personal blog/journal/writing exercise thing ten years ago. It was typical of that era and I am glad that I deleted it at some point.
  • Wordpress: plglondon.wordpress.com This is the Progressive Librarians Guild site for where I went to get my MLIS. I used to post a lot of the articles there and I still keep in touch, but I am not actively involved anymore.
  • Tumblr: I was here to see what it was all about and then because Tania likes it a lot. I was thinking this would be a place to just post random things: music and gifs and whatnot. But I am not sure.
So there is too much here really. I will probably try to set up a system where somethings get cross posted automatically from one service to another. The biggest issue is that google+ doesn't seem to play nice with other services. I'll post another time about setting automation of posts with a site called ifttt.

Monday, January 20, 2014

hello world

Hey there everyone. This is part of a social media exercise at work. I already know a bit about tumblr and twitter and whatnot. (When I logged in to Blogger it reminded me that I joined up in 2004 when I was bright eyed and undergraduate.) And I am usually suspicious of anything mandatory. BUT I am really excited to interact with all of the other NBPLS library workers.