Saturday, March 15, 2014


It has been awhile since I have done my 23 things training. It has just been busy around here with the departure of some staff and March break activities. But here we go once more. Embedding a youtube video in blogger is very intuitive and straight forward. I will probably end up messing around trying to get the alignment of the video to the left and the spacing around it just right, but format pickiness is one of my weaknesses. I have it close enough for now, so I'll move one.

This is a video of one of my favourite historians, Howard Zinn, discussing the topic of a just war. This is the idea that there are "good" wars that are worth fighting. Zinn himself fought in the Second World War, which is generally considered the easiest to justify. I can't actually watch this video at work, but I have read a fair amount of Zinn's writing and I assume that the content is fairly similar.

So that`s that.

In terms of professional development resources, I am currently going through the introduction to computer science course videos from MIT. The course teaches computer science concepts using Python, which would be handy to know if we start using RaspberryPi computers at work as part of a markerspace since it is the recommended language for that platform. I'm using an older set of videos, but here is a link to the newer ones. I have not really had the time to watch more of them recently as I have been working more on day-to-day things and on improving my French, but learning Python is one of my goals for 2014.